
Showing posts from September, 2015

End of September/Grandparent Tea Pictures!

Hello Everyone! Well, the first month of preschool is underway, and what a success it has been so far! The kids have all been learning up a storm. We welcomed fall with some apple math activities, literature, and sensory play! Check it out: Here is Mrs. Susi reading an apple math book to the kids: We measured how tall everyone was with the apples. The children also got to dissect apples and even make apple sauce! Yum! Last week we talked a lot about apples and fall, but we also continued our theme of "All About Me". The preschoolers got to take a look at how far they've developed since baby-hood! They compared their baby-size to their now-size, they looked at the vast differences in capabilities from when they were babies compared to now, they cared for pretend babies, and they even got to try some baby food! Yuck!  We started this week with one of our favorite events of the year: The Grandparent Tea Party!! It was a total blast! The room was full of beaming love and war...

5 Senses Photos

      Greetings CCP Families!!     We've been having so much fun here in Preschool; everyone has transitioned into the start of the new school year beautifully! Routines are getting better practiced, friends are being made, skills are being built, and of course, lots of fun has been had! We've been learning all about our five senses! This upcoming week we will focus on "All About Me", and we will also be preparing for our big Grandparent's Party! Don't forget to have those grandparents rsvp! They can email our school, call, or tell one of the teachers.   Remember: -Bring in baby outfits -Grandparent Tea Party is Monday, September 28th from 10:00-11:30am -Picture Day is Wednesday, September 30th at 10:00am     Here are some fun pics that were captured last week! Enjoy!:     These two kept making cookies for the teachers! Yum! Evy and Iris playing house! (Evy was the "big sister" named "Catherine", and Iris was the mom named "Iris"...

First Week of Preschool Pics

Greetings CCP Families! We're off to a great start to the school year! This past week has been a transition week for all the children, teachers, and families and everyone has been doing awesome! The preschoolers have been learning routines, rules, and general preschool procedures, and everyone has been right on track. As the children start to become more familiar with being a preschooler we will slowly start integrating more and more content into our day; but as for now we've been learning how to have control over our bodies, understand boundaries of personal space, walk in a line, sit comfortably and attentively, and of course we've been getting to know all of the new friends! I've captured some photos of the first week of school, enjoy!:  Here are some friends out on a walk on what was a perfect fall day:                  Exploring all of the new toys!         ...

September/October 2015 Newsletter

What We're Learning Welcome to Preschool! Can you believe it’s the school year already? We can! And we are excited for a fun-filled year of learning with the preschoolers! Our themes for September are All About Me , the Five Senses, and People & Feelings . October’s themes will be Community Helpers and Lake Superior . As with all of our themes, if you or someone you know would be interested in contributing with presentations or resources, contact a teacher right away! We will be focusing on the letters A-D for the first two months of school. We will also be learning about numbers: 1 & 2, shapes: circle & square, colors: yellow & orange, and positional words: “in”, “out”, and “between”. For reinforcement, look for ways to incorporate these areas in your every day lives! Important Dates Tue. Sept. 8 th : Open House 9:00-11:30am Wed. Sept. 9 th : First Day of School Mon. Sept. 28 th : G-parent Tea Party 10-11:30am Wed. Sept. 30 th : Picture Day 10:00am Thur....

Snack Duty

  Each child is assigned a month in which he/she will bring in two separate snack items to share with the preschoolers: one fresh fruit or vegetable, and then one packaged snack. Snacks should include healthy items such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain/high fiber foods, and protein-rich foods. ( Please save sugary snacks for birthdays and treat days). Snack items should be enough to feed approximately 30 children. Snack suggestions: Trail Mix       Pretzels       Cheese Sticks       Sugar Snap Peas         Bell Peppers        Apples Berries           Dried Fruit         Peanut butter         Yogurt       Broccoli      ...