5 Senses Photos

Greetings CCP Families!!
We've been having so much fun here in Preschool; everyone has transitioned into the start of the new school year beautifully! Routines are getting better practiced, friends are being made, skills are being built, and of course, lots of fun has been had! We've been learning all about our five senses! This upcoming week we will focus on "All About Me", and we will also be preparing for our big Grandparent's Party! Don't forget to have those grandparents rsvp! They can email our school, call, or tell one of the teachers.
-Bring in baby outfits
-Grandparent Tea Party is Monday, September 28th from 10:00-11:30am
-Picture Day is Wednesday, September 30th at 10:00am
Here are some fun pics that were captured last week! Enjoy!:
These two kept making cookies for the teachers! Yum!

Evy and Iris playing house! (Evy was the "big sister" named "Catherine", and Iris was the mom named "Iris"! hehehe)

Sweet little Jake doing his laundry!

The beautiful weather has made our outside time so wonderful! Here's the yellow group stopping for a snack while hiking a trail.

Five Senses Theme in Preschool means BIG messes! Woohoo!!

And because I know all of you are wondering how to get your hands on that messy goo for your home use, here's a link to the recipe: 2 Ingredient Goo
That's all for now! Check back soon for photos and updates!!
-CCP Teachers
