Snack Duty
Each child is assigned a month in which he/she will bring in two separate snack items to share with the preschoolers: one fresh fruit or vegetable, and then one packaged snack. Snacks should include healthy items such as fresh fruits and vegetables, whole-grain/high fiber foods, and protein-rich foods. (Please save sugary snacks for birthdays and treat days). Snack items should be enough to feed approximately 30 children. Snack suggestions:
Trail Mix Pretzels Cheese Sticks Sugar Snap Peas Bell Peppers Apples
Berries Dried Fruit Peanut butter Yogurt Broccoli Baby Carrots
Rice Cakes Granola Bars Yogurt Covered Raisins Popcorn Cereal Bars
Crackers Bananas Hummus Cliff Bars Apple Sauce
Children are responsible to bring in snacks for the month corresponding with their last name:
September/October | November/December | January/February | March/April |
A-E | F-L | M-Q | R-Z |
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