Creative Me Unit Pictures

Hello Preschool Families!

Another month has come and gone and our Creative Me unit was a total success! Preschoolers are such natural little artists that it's no surprise that this theme was a favorite among our group. We explored many different types of art in so many creative, fun ways, I think we've inspired some young kids to be aspiring artists! As usual we captured some fun moments along the way. Check them out:
 Here is a group on a field trip at the UMD Tween Museum:

 A group of UMD Elementary Education Students worked with the children on some fun art packets while we toured the museum:

 We learned that creativity comes not only from our feelings but also from the mind; so to help better connect our mind with body, we had Ms. Elise come in and lead some yoga sessions!:

Some of the many fun art pieces to display made by the children:

Doing art from a new perspective:

Painting in the gym:

 We had the incredible opportunity to take a field trip down to the Duluth Playhouse to see the Children's Theater perform "The Lion King":

Experimenting with color mixing:

And then of course in the midst of all of our fun with art, we were able to celebrate some fun days, St. Patrick's Day being one of them.

That Leprechaun turned our milk green!:

We made big attempts this year to catch that Leprechaun, here are some of our traps: 

Hunting for Leprechaun clues:

Wacky Week Fun! Who loves Wacky Hair day more, the kids or the teachers?!:

What I Want to Be When I Grow Up Day:

And our favorite, Pajama Day:

That's all for now! Next up on the schedule is a Recycling/Love our Earth/Nature Play unit. Don't forget that next week we are only open Monday and Tuesday and will be closed Wednesday-Friday. I hope everyone enjoys a relaxing spring break and we will be excited to kick off more fun-filled days!!

Warmest Regards,


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