March/April '16 Newsletter
Hello, Everyone! Spring is in the air and it makes it hard to believe how quickly the school year is flying by! The preschoolers will be moving on from their Outerspace & Weather units into more exciting themes: "Dr. Seuss", "Creative Me, Recying/Love our Earth", and "Nature Play"! The teachers have so many fun things planned, it is sure to be a blast!
We will swing right into the month of March by starting our "Dr. Seuss" Unit. We love to study Dr. Seuss here at preschool because not only is he responsible for writing so many famous books, but his books are so much fun that they really inspire children to develop a love for reading! During the end of March, we will dive into a unit called “Creative Me” in which the children will explore the many ways they can be creative through visual arts. We usually schedule some fun field trips for this particular unit, as well as have fun guests come to the school. If you or someone you know is an artist of any kind, contact the school and we would love to bring them in! We will focus on letters S-V, the number 100, circles, the color green, and positional words ‘near’ and ‘far’ for this month. The last week of March will be a "Wacky Week" where we have the children participate in daily themes. Also, please remember that preschool will be closed for Easter on Friday, March 25th and Monday, March 28th, so please prepare your schedules accordingly!
April will come to us with all of our fun springtime units: "Recycling/Love our Earth", and "Nature Play". We will focus a lot on our precious planet and the importance of taking good care of it. By the end of the unit we hope that all the children will be able to recognize that everyone contributes to the amount of trash created each day and learn simple ways that they themselves can divert the amount of trash that is sent to landfills. We will also do a lot of work with seeds and plants, and focus our attention towards everything that nature has to offer in terms of learning, working, and playing! We will focus on letters W-Y, the number zero, diamonds, colors black and white, and positional word ‘around’ for the month of April.
As the weather switches from snowy to wet (and a little bit of both), please continue to send appropriate outdoor gear: waterproof boots & gloves, snowpants, and hats. It’s also a good idea to keep sending those extra sets of clothes as children tend to get wet pants and tops from all the rolling around they do outside.
Snack Duty is almost all the way through. If your last name begins with R-Z you are assigned to donate snacks any time for the month of March and April.
Important Dates:
Tues. March 15th: Conferences
Wed. March 16th: Conferences
Fri. March 25th: No School
Mon. March 28th: No School
Tue. March 29th- Fri.1st: Wacky Week -
Tues 3/29: Beach Day
Wed 3/30: Favorite Sports Team Day
Thurs 3/31: What I Want to Be When I Grow Up Day
Fri 4/1: Pajama Day
Please don't hesitate to call or email with any questions!
Warmest regards,
CCP Staff
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