
Showing posts from June, 2017

Summer Camp Photos


Final Field Trip Photos

Hello Families, and Happy Summer!  It's hard to believe the school year is already behind us, but boy did we go out with a bang! The last week of school, we had tons of fun on not one, but TWO fun field trips! For our first trip we took a school bus to Ashley's Grandma Mary's farm, followed by a picnic lunch at Enger Tower! Check out all the fun we had: So fun to ride the bus!!: At the farm we got to feed goats, a donkey, a llama, and horses some carrots: A Cutie with a carrot!: The horses were shy (but more likely terrified) of us, but Dude the Donkey was all about the carrots!: We got a tour of the barn and saw all that goes into caring for animals: Checking out the tadpoles in the pond: After the farm, we headed over to Enger Tower where we had lunch and did some exploring. The zen garden was surprisingly a big hit!: For our second field trip, we hiked through the neighborhood and Chester trails to get to the Hillside Whole Foods Co-op! Stopped at a playground along the ...