
Showing posts from September, 2016

First Week of Preschool

Welcome to Preschool, Everyone! It has been a fun and exciting time of year as the teachers, families, and students have begun to settle into the school year. The first week of Preschool is a transition time for everyone, and I have to say, it went about as smoothly as possible! We haven't quite jumped into our curriculum yet as we have been teaching the children about our routines, procedures, and rules. The first week of preschool is all about establishing routines, and we all know that preschoolers love routines! Preschoolers thrive on understanding how their day will unfold and predicting what will happen throughout the day. The first week of school can often be a little stressful for some children, but know that it's most likely because they aren't quite able yet to predict how the day will unfold. If this sounds like your child, rest assured that it won't be long until everything becomes familiar and natural to them! In the mean time, we've been able to catch

Meet the Teachers

Hi! I'm Michelle Fairchild. I am originally from Grand Forks, ND, but my home now is Duluth. I graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor's degree in Business and I also have an Assossiates degree in   Early Childhood Education from WITC. I have many years of experience working with children and love being an Early Childhood Educator. I've been married to my husband Corey Fairchild for 15 years and together we have five beautiful children; Culley 20, Evy, 14, Aly 12, Izy 11, and Renz 7. When I am not busy running my kids to and from activities, I love going to the cabin, reading, golfing, and skiing. I'm looking forward to an exciting year! My name is Elicia Burns and I am a licenced Early Childhood Educator from UMD. I have been working in the field for over ten years. I love Duluth and all it has to offer. My husband, two children (Breck 9, & Cullen 7) and I love to be outside playing sports and enjoying the lake. I look forward to meeting you and working w