Week 7 Summer Camp Pictures
I love all camps, but Nature Camp has to be one of my favorites. There's just something about watching children imagine, create, and play within nature that is so magical. This past week we took the kids all over the east end in search of some awesome places to play in Duluth's elements, and not only did we have a blast, we played outside the entire time...as usual!! Take a look: Making and sailing boats in Tischer Creek: These kids were cute because they kept trying to make boats out of rocks. But do you think the teachers told them: "Hey! Those will sink!"? Nope! We let them find out for themselves by experiencing the process. And guess what? They eventually had beautiful boats made from bark and leaves! Here we are hiking up the trail to go find the perfect spot for a picnic: On Tuesday we found ourselves all the way over at Meyers-Wilkins Elementary School, and they fed us the most delicious breakfast!!! After breakfast we stopped at Portland park and the kids wer...