
Showing posts from May, 2016

May Pictures

Greetings Families! As usual the month is flying by! But that is only because we've been having so much fun! We've captured some awesome moments this month that I thought you'd all love for us to share, so here they are. Enjoy! Free play has turned into board game time! Spring snacks are always a treat! We had fun playing in mud... ...and with worms And we celebrated May Day by making baskets and then putting them on neighbor's door steps, ringing the door bell, running away, and hiding. As you can see, we were especially good at the hiding part: Our monthly themes were "Duluth" and "Transportation" so here are some cuties having a fun time on their sailboat: ...and just for fun we did some good 'ole rock hammering outside: ...and we played with some more worms: For Robert's VIP his mom had a police officer come visit the children. We got to learn all about his job, his uniform, and then his cool police car! ...and we have been having  fun wo...

May/June Newsletter '16

                                             Greetings, Families! Well the school year has officially whizzed by, making this the last newsletter of the year. It’s hard to believe we will be wrapping things up shortly, but with that being said we still have a lot going on during the next few weeks!! Our themes for May/June is Explore Duluth and Transportation. We will be taking an indepth look at the beautiful city that we all live in together and we hope that the children will be able to identify the important places and people that live in our community. We will be learning about Lake Superior, the various nature parks in our city, ways people work and play in all the special features our hometown has to offer, and we hope the children can gain an awareness of the environmental factors that make Duluth unique. We also will be learning a little bit about transportation. We...