
Showing posts from April, 2016

Earth Day Photos

Greetings Everyone! The preschoolers had a wonderful time celebrating Earth Day all last week. We learned all about our environment and took a closer look at some of our planet's environmental issues. Then the children went a step further by putting their knowledge to work by coming up with solutions to help solve these issues. Some solutions the children came up with were to to use less garbage at lunch time, plant seeds, reuse & recycle, and clean up litter in our own neighborhoods. It was wonderful to see the children's love for their planet come out with such enthusiasm! The children were so excited about the fact that we were able to cut our lunch-time garbage down by 90%! We hope they keep up their new found efforts. Here are some fun pictures we were able to capture this week. Enjoy! Rocco's grandparents came to visit the preschoolers for Rocco's VIP, and they brought flowers for all the children to plant:    ...they also brought in Blue Bird houses that Rocc...

Wacky Week Pictures

Greetings Families! As usual we've been having tons of fun at preschool. Wacky week was a total blast, and we captured some fun pictures for you all to enjoy!: Beach Day was super fun! It was still a bit chilly for actual beachwear, but it was fun to act like we were somewhere tropical!: Favorite sports team day was a hit. It was fun to see all of the different sports jerseys, and we sure had a lot of Bulldogs! Renz was a bit of everything for sports team day!  What I Want to Be When I Grow Up day was fun. Here's a doctor and a firefighter..." ...and some superheros... ...and some army guys... ...lots of medical people!... And of course we had April Fools Day in there....Ms. Patti always plays the best April Fools jokes. This year it was "ice cream" for snack (actually mashed potatoes!) And then our favorite; Pajama Day! Complete with popcorn... ...waffles... ...and tons of smiles! We start off this week talking about recycling, gardening, and loving our earth. H...