
Showing posts from November, 2015

Healthy Kids Unit

Hello Everyone! Our Healthy Kids unit is full underway, and everyone has been having a blast! The preschoolers have been busy learning about their bodies and the importance of maintaining good health through nutrition, sleep, and exercise. The children have been exposed to many fun types of exercise, with Zumba and Yoga being popular favorites! They have taken a look inside the human body through many varieties of literature to get an understanding of what a complex and fragile piece of art it is, and then they've had the chance to explore many fun ways to take care of themselves. The unit will continue to take place through the end of November, but we've taken so many fun photos in the process, that I couldn't wait to share! Take a look:  Ian's dad, Brad gave a super fun demonstration on training and participating in a triathlon! The kids just loved him!: The children got to prepare healthy vegetable soup that they called "Group Soup"! Each student provided a

Nov./Dec. Newsletter

What We're Learning November comes to us with many fun activities! Our Halloween Candy days are long gone as our theme of the month is Healthy Kids! We will be learning about nutrition, exploring many ways to exercise, and focus on being all-around healthy kids. And of course we will also be gearing up for Thanksgiving as time gets closer. December’s themes will be Winter in Duluth & Holidays/Family Traditions. We will be diving into winter and what it means for the animals and people who live in our city. We will talk about weather changes, learn how to dress for winter, and identify seasonal characteristics of animals and environmental changes. We will be focusing on the letters E-K, and we will also be learning about numbers: 3-6, shapes: triangle & oval, positional words: “on”, “off”, “over”, and “under", and colors: brown, gray, and blue. For reinforcement, look for ways to incorporate these areas in your everyday lives! You will see we have a Parent’s Night Out s

End of October Pics

Hello Everyone! The preschoolers have been busy, busy, busy! Not only have we been totally spoiled with some amazing fall weather, we've had tons of fun happenings going on around school! Check out some of the fun we've been having: Sunny fall days call for lots of time up at "Old Main": October was Community Helper month, so we took a field trip up to Mt. Royal Foods and Bulldog Pizza! It was raining for our walk, but the preschoolers sure didn't mind!!: Fun times at Bulldog Pizza!!: Halloween was sure a blast at CCP! Here is Quinn getting ready to carve her pumpkin: And Cordelia painting with a Witch's Broom!: The children got to have a pumpkin-carving party with the UMD girls soccer team!!: And of course, we practiced a little trick-or-treating! A BIG thank-you to everyone who contributed to our Halloween Carnival! It was a big success! We already can't wait until next year!!:) -Mrs. Jakki